‘Out To Get You’! Story 7: ‘Shadow Curse’
Day 8 of the ‘Out To Get You’ artwork series — an illustration a day from the new book.
This one, appropriately enough following yesterday’s school post (I got a star on the Hall of Fame in my old school!), is ‘Goodbye, Ridgecrest Middle School’.
Made with ink, pencil, charcoal and fineliners on paper, it accompanies a story about a malevolent paper towel dispenser. No, really…
“Wally swallowed hard. Whatever this dispenser was saying to him, it seemed to be saying it only to him. Whatever fate was on the horizon, it was his.
Two days left? For what?
Suddenly the whole Johnson-Johansen thing didn’t seem so important.
The universe, it seemed, really was out to get him.”
More about the book, including where to buy it and how to get its fabulous accompanying freebies,