‘Out To Get You’! Story 2: ‘The Voice’
I’m posting one of the original artworks created for mine and Josh Allen’s new book of horror stories, ‘Out To Get You’, every day for 14 days.
That’s one story a day for all 13 stories, plus the extra story that the author Josh wrote as a ‘bonus-ball’. You get to see all the gnarly pen-and-ink details close up, which are often not seen when printed in the book!
This one is ‘The Voice’ — picturing the shrill and horrific school teacher Mrs Huber. Like most of the images in the book, she was created on A3 cartridge part with pencil, inks, charcoal, and a little fineliner. She had to LOOK like she sounds — loud, angry, and dangerous! And appalled at what’s just happened to her — but to find out what happens, you need to read the story.
Here’s an extract:
Something would have to be done about Mrs. Huber, Cindy thought. Something drastic. The school year was four months old now, and while Mrs. Huber didn’t assign too much homework or force students to do group projects, Cindy found her methods to be…problematic.
It was Mrs. Huber’s voice — the way she yelled so much — that bothered Cindy.
What to do, what to do? she thought.
She ran a finger along the shelf of old books that her grandmother had left her. She had a few ideas, but nothing definite. Nothing that had really taken shape.
One thing was certain though.
It was time for someone to stop Mrs. Huber. Someone with power.
More about the book, including where to buy it and how to get its fabulous accompanying freebies,