It’s Finally ‘Out To Get You’!
The artwork, story by story.
Well the book I’ve been. going ON about for MONTHS, ‘Out To Get You’ by Josh Allen, is out today!
I first got asked to illustrate this book just over a year ago. Time FLIES. And now it’s nearly Hallowe’en (or is it still summer? It’s getting dark a bit bloody early; I have short sleeves on, but the heating is on; I’m confused).
I’ll be posting one of the original artworks a day for the next 14 days — that’s one story a day for all 13 stories, plus the extra story that the author Josh wrote as a ‘bonus-ball’. You get to see all the gnarly pen-and-ink details close up, which are often not seen when printed in the book.
First up: “When Daunte Vanished, They Said He Moved To Ohio”
“The Father of All Evil was standing there, half a block up the road, red-skinned and surprisingly thin. He was leaning against the street sign at the corner of Gilbert Drive and Chestnut Way, just hanging out, holding his flame-tipped pitchfork.
No way, Daunte thought, a thrill rising in his chest.
The actual devil.”
More about the book, including where to buy it and how to get its fabulous accompanying freebies, at